So I have now been presented with a dilemma. This dilemma is as follows: going past the gorgeous court shoes found in the last post, I want another pair of white shoes. Taller ones; I don't think people understand how huge of a jump this is for me, as up until getting my first pair of Commons at the beginning of the year, I wore exclusively low-top shoes for the past five years or more (track/running not included). But I like the silhouette slim jeans and higher cut shoes provide. So, thanks to the guys over at
Nomad, I am stuck between two options: the first is the patent (yes, patent) white mids from Common Projects. Identical to my current pair, except of course the shininess and colour. The second image is of the just-arrived Wings & Horns high tops. They're far more reasonably priced than I expected, look fucking awesome, and are probably built tough like all their other pieces. Plus, supporting Canada, etc etc. Since the store's got both in stock, it'll be easy to compare the two, but now I've gotta add a couple hundred to the summer fund. I think it's worth it, no? I'm all ears.
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